Parental Rearing Practices, Cultural Transmission and Cognitive Development

Tuesday, October 30th 5:15pm | CEHD Room 180, Saieh Hall

Avner Seror will speak at the Center’s Lifecycle Working group on October 30th at 5:15PM in CEHD rm. 180 in Saieh Hall about Parental Rearing Practices, Cultural Transmission and Cognitive Development.

About the Speaker: Avner Seror is research associate at the Smith Institute for Political Economy and Philosophy. His research focuses on the joint evolution of institutions and cultural norms, political economy and human development. He graduated with a Ph.D in economics from the Paris School of Economics in 2018.

Abstract: This  paper presents a theory of child development and parental rearing  practices. In the model, a benevolent parent seeks to transmit cultural  norms to her child, who acquires cognitive skills and develops a capital  of appreciation for adopting behaviors that accord with these norms.  Our cultural perspective on the issue of cognitive development provides an interpretation grid for various results established in the empirical  literature. It also permits to identify the parental characteristics that are conducive to various parenting styles, to child neglect and to child maltreatment.