Bei Liu

Visiting Scholar


Dr. Bei Liu is Senior Program Manager at the China Development Research Foundation (CDRF), a Beijing-based policy research and advocacy organization founded by the Development Research Center (DRC) of the State Council. Her professional experiences concentrate on the design, implementation and evaluation of CDRF’s early childhood intervention programs. She currently works on China REACH, an integrated nutrition and psychosocial stimulation program for children at age 6-36 months. The project sites Dr. Bei Liu has been working in are poverty stricken areas that are geographically and culturally diversified in Qinghai, Gansu, Guizhou, and Yunnan provinces of China. Dr. Bei Liu has led the efforts to collect longitudinal data of pilot project implementation and evaluation and to issue evidence-based policy reports. Her work is published in the DRC and the CDRF policy research monograph series such as the DRC Investigation Report, China Development Report, Poverty Alleviation and Child Development in China. Dr. Bei Liu presented widely at conferences on child development, international early education, population and health, and the China-US symposium. She is a member of the Society for Research on Child Development, Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group. Dr. Bei Liu is currently visiting the University of Chicago as a senior research associate of the Center for the Economics of Human Development.