The Factors That Reduce Fertility and The Policies that Enhance it

The kick-off conference of the Family, Fertility and Human Development Initiative aims to convene leading scholars and analysts from around the world to discuss the causes and consequences of fertility decline using data analyses to identify differences in fertility by socioeconomic status, religion, and culture. As a collaborative effort, we hope to assess the causes of these trends, evaluate the literature’s explanations, and assess the effectiveness of pro-fertility policies and other cultural factors. The conference will include workshop sessions to prepare interdisciplinary research questions for further investigation in the new year, with the ultimate goal of a special journal issue publication.

Featured Attendees and Speakers

James J. Heckman, The University of Chicago (Principal Investigator of the Project)
Zoltán Oszkár Szántó, Corvinus University (Host of the Conference)
Matthias Doepke
, Northwestern University
Tomáš Sobotka, Vienna Institute of Demography
Eliana La Ferrara, Harvard University
Hanming Fang, University of Pennsylvania
Nezih Guner, Center for Monetary and Financial Studies (CEMFI), Madrid
Ron Lee, University of California, Berkeley
Klaus Zimmerman, United Nations University Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology
Alicia Adserà, Princeton University
David Weil, Brown University
Uta Schönberg, University of Hong Kong
Angela Greulich, ScincePo Paris
Anna Matysiak, University of Warsaw
Zsuzsanna Makay, Hungarian Demographic Research Institute
András Gábos, TÁRKI Social Research Institute in Budapest
Márton Medgyesi, Corvinus University
Karel Neels, University of Antwerp
Pieter Vanhuysse, University of Southern Denmark
Bram De Rock, Université libre de Bruxelles
Róbert Gál, Corvinus University
Zsolt Spéder, Hungarian Demographic Research Institute

Reading List

Overview of Demographic Trends & Causes

1. Nezih Guner

2. Sobotka

3. Doepke

  • Doepke, Matthias, Anne Hannusch, Fabian Kindermann, and Michèle Tertilt. 2023. "The economics of fertility: a new era." In Handbook of the Economics of the Family, edited by Shelly Lundberg and Alessandra Voena, 151-254. North-Holland.

4. Adsera

5. Spéder

6. Gál

7. Bartus

Consequences of the Decline

1. Lee

2. Weil

3. Gál

4. Medgyesi

5. Vanhuysse


1. Fang

2. Schonberg

3. Guner

4. Gabos (TÁRKI Social Research Institute)

5. Zsuzsanna Makay

6. Angela GREULICH (Science Pro Paris)

7. Sobotka

8. Spéder

Preferences and Norms

1. Bicchieri

2. Adsera

3. La Ferrara

4. Bartus

5. Spéder

Demographic trends and causes #2

1. Karel Neels (University of Antwerp)

2. Márton Medgyesi (Corvinus)

3. Anna Matysiak (Warsaw)

Summary Discussion