HCEO Now Accepting Applications for 2020 Dissertation Prize

The Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group is now accepting applications for our doctoral dissertation prize. The $1,000 prize will be awarded for the best dissertation on a topic related to one of HCEO’s 6 networks. In addition to the monetary award, the winner will be flown to the University of Chicago to present their work to the Center for the Economics of Human Development, HCEO directors, and University of Chicago faculty.
The winning submission will be selected by HCEO’s directors from a pool created by representatives from our 6 networks. The competition is open to current doctoral students and recent Ph.D. graduates. To be eligible, a candidate must have defended their dissertation between June 2019 and September 2020. If a candidate has not graduated by the submission deadline, they must include a letter from an advisor assuring defense by September 2020.
You can read about our 2019 dissertation prize winners, Yujung Hwang and Yeonju Lee, here.
The deadline for submissions is May 29, 2020, and the prize will be awarded on June 15, 2020. For any questions, please contact coordinator.hceo@uchicago.edu. More info can be found here.