Publishing and Promotion in Economics: The Tyranny of the Top Five

Anecdotal evidence suggests that career advancement in economics is strongly influenced by publishing in the Top 5 economics journals. Despite wide acknowledgement of the T5’s influence among academics themselves, actual evidence on such influence is sparse, and the discussion about the incentives generated through this practice are lacking. The Tyranny of the Top 5 project fills this gap in the literature by documenting the existing incentive structure in academic economics, and by discussing how excessive reliance on T5 publications to filter quality can interact with existing editorial practices (particularly in the T5 house journals) to perversely influence both the direction and quality of scholarship. We explore these deficiencies in the literature through four lines of inquiry, each addressing a different facet of the problem: First, we document the degree to which publications in the T5 influence tenure decisions relative to publications in comparably high quality non-T5 journals. Analysis of longitudinal work-history data for tenure-track faculty hired by the Top 35 departments reveals that T5 publications significantly increase the probability of receiving tenure and decrease time-to-tenure. The influence of non-T5 journals pales in comparison. (See Figure 1) Second, we corroborate our empirical findings with results from a survey of tenure-track faculty hired by the T50 departments. We find that junior faculty are acutely aware fo the power of the T5. They (correctly) believe that T5 publications are the most important determinant of career advancement (see Figure 2), and that publication in the T5 has a quality-independent effect on tenure and promotion […]